WE LIKE IT LOUD!! we install custom stereos in your machine. Many machine offer 10" sub to give you that thump, paired along with floor speakers, door speaker, crazy loud sound bars and wake boards speakers with dual amp systems. You can go mild to wild. Systems starting at all different budgets
We offer Stereo from Rockford Fosgate, Wetsound, MB Quarts and DS18.
From soundbars to full setup that will rattle the windows.

RZR Rock Bouncers
We will build you a custom rzr rock bouncer based on your needs. Bring us your RZR and we transfer all the working parts to a sturdy tube chassis. No need to worry about bending if you just roll it over or cage collapsing like a factory cage. .120 and .95 tubing used throughout. This is offers full doors and tons of Upgrades

Full Line of Axles
We carry a full line of axles. to us we would rather break an axle vs bust a differential. We have EastLake, Rhino, Rhino 2.0 for many makes and models in stock. If we don't have we can have within 2 days

S&B Partical Separator
Want to save your motor on your machine. This is what you want. Keeps over 90% of the dust out of your engine and will have you running for many miles more. No need to change or blow out your filter after every dusty ride with this baby on your SXS